European Roma Young Theater Artists and Facilitators 4 Inclusion and Empowerment
12/2024 - 11/2026
We - five Roma and interethnic theater and non-formal educational organizations (Women For the Future Association / Hungary, Terapie/ Slovakia, Rampa Prenestina / Italy a Roma Actors Association / Romania and ARA ART / Czechia) believe in the power of theater and stories, the power of young people and the positive encounters of different groups. If young people of different backgrounds get to know each other better and can experience the joy and success of planning and implementing artistic and educational activities focusing on European values and social inclusion they will be inspired and competent to build also a more inclusive and democratic Europe. We will facilitate the born of an international network of 30 youth artists and facilitators of different origins and ensure them complex trainings in order they will be aware of European values and their contexts towards Roma communities and even Roma Drama. By presenting theater performances and videos on social topics and Roma dramatic heroes and follow-up workshops for their 1000 peers, they will collect a solid collection of stories and opinion related the focused topics and they will create 6 new artworks inspired by young people’s inputs. The performances, videos, exhibition and publication will reach wide groups of young people also on domestic level and also at an international festival. The videorecorded artistic outputs, the 6 case studies about the domestic working progresses together with an evaluation report and policy recommendation will reach 800 experts and policy makers around Europe, who will be inspired to work for the use of youth art and nonformal education in order to promote social inclusion, European values and also to include Roma culture in the European mainstream, just like Roma people as equal citizens of the EU. We will reach by our communication activities 500.000 European citizens, whose support for inclusion is also crucial for the future.
We Want to Grow: Strategic Development of the Organization
November 1, 2024 – October 31, 2026
Registration Number: CZ.03.02.03/00/24_073/0004581
This project aims to elevate our organization to higher levels through a series of key changes. We anticipate that by implementing the project, we will achieve greater organizational stability and growth in the future, including the recruitment of new employees. This growth is essential for more effectively supporting the inclusion of the Roma minority into the majority society, as well as for presenting Roma art and culture in a meaningful way.
By strengthening our team's skills in areas such as organizational and cultural management, fundraising, creating new platforms, marketing, PR, and more, we expect our employees to gain not only general skills but also specific expertise. These new competencies will enable the entire organization to grow, allowing us to better fulfill our core activities and mission in Roma integration into society and advocating for the rights of the Roma LGBTQI minority.
Empowerment Through Intersectionality: Advancing Roma and LGBTIQ+ Inclusion
1.7.2024 - 30.6.2025
Funded by Porticus
In the Czech Republic, the Roma LGBTIQ+ community navigates a complex landscape of challenges, marked by a dual form of discrimination that is both internal, stemming from within the Roma community where LGBTIQ+ identities are often considered unacceptable, leading to exclusion from family and community, and external, from broader societal racism and homophobia/transphobia.
Through our proposed project, we aim to address critical issues, share experiences, and strengthen capacities through three key activities: securing institutional support, organizing an international conference, and supporting the lecturer pool.
Significant Days of the Roma Nation
1.7.2024 - 1.6.2025
Funded by ERIAC (European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V.) through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union.
The "Significant Days of the Roma Nation" project focuses on celebrating three significant days for the Roma community: the Romani Holocaust Remembrance Day (2 August), International Romani Language Day (8 November) and International Roma Day (8 April). The aim of the project is to raise awareness of these days, introduce Roma artists and personalities and break down stereotypes through a high-quality presentation of Roma culture. The project emphasises cooperation with cultural institutions and non-profit organisations to ensure sufficient funding and recognition of Roma culture in the Czech Republic. In this way, the project aims to inspire young Roma and promote harmonious coexistence between the Roma community and wider society.
Ode to kames / You don't want that
Registration number: CZ.03.02.01/00/22_044/0002152
The aim of the project is to combat hate speech and hate violence against Romani men and women through activities focused on 1) monitoring and analysis of hate speech and prejudicial violence, 2) education of social workers and field social workers from social service providers and non-profit organizations, 3) awareness-raising and information campaigns, 4) systematic advocacy activities and 5) through the provision of free legal aid and counselling.